"Just the place for a Snark!"

Eternally seeking a nice chat, she sallies forth in a chariot drawn by golden llamas.

I’d like to say a few words.

Posted by on Sep 11, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments

What’s your favorite word?

I don’t much care about rare and fancy words, unless they offer a precision I can’t find elsewhere. I’m not charmed by adorable collective nouns, either. I like descriptive words that seem like onomatopoeia, like slither and glimmer, that invoke an instant image or emotional response, words whose sounds and shapes on the page seem united with their meaning.

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My Resume is Full of Ninjas

Posted by on Mar 29, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

My Resume is Full of Ninjas

…and it’s worse than a hovercraft full of eels. If I had all those eels, I would turn them over to a sushi chef and request nigiri with barbecue sauce. I love barbecue eel nigiri. But what I have is a resume occupied by ninjas, wizards, and vampires, and turning that into a grown-up job is quite a feat.

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Floral Obsession

Posted by on Apr 19, 2015 in Blog | 1 comment

Floral Obsession

I can’t garden just a little bit. I have the geek capacity for obsession, so I’m careful about picking up new things; I’m way too likely to wind up buying ten pairs of silver shoes in a week* or memorizing the lineage of Targaryan kings.**

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Hippies and when not to be one

Posted by on Jul 11, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

Natural stuff sounds so nice. It’s so damn romantic, you know? Rub some Vaseline Intensive Care on your legs, and you’re just a chick with moisturized skin. Slather those same legs with coconut oil, and you’re the Goddess of the Islands. I get that, I do. It makes you feel all magical and luxurious, like you’ve inherited your beauty secrets straight from Cleopatra.

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Snow Day

Posted by on Mar 1, 2014 in Blog, Featured | 0 comments

Snow Day

Cavall and Laurie Snow Day

During Atlanta’s most recent snow day, Cavall and I had several conversations. I originally posted them to Facebook and G+, but since my friends liked them I’m including them here.

Me: That is sleet. Your paws will get cold.

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